Pig Apple provided some avian animation for this short film, directed by Tuff Contender‘s Joe Mischo, and written by GUYDEAS. We encourage you to watch the whole film, but our animation begins around 7:15. Enjoy!
Starring: Rhian Rees, Shane Coffey, and Harrison Taylor
Directed by Joe Mischo
Written by GUYDEAS
Executive Producers: Joe Mischo, DJay Brawner, Mike Lev
Producer: Cookie Walukas
Directory of Photography: Matt Hoodhood
Production Design: Nicki Perry
Wardrobe Stylist: Erin Kobrin
Location Sound: Laura Nicolo
Editor & Sound Design: Joe Mischo
Sound Mix: Jack Sobo
Animation: Pig Apple
Colorist: Kaitlyn Battistelli
Color: ETHOS
Special thanks to Ellen Webb, Charome Kaocharoen, Alex Demers, Matt Mischo